AnonTalk Bulletins Archive

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Bulletins, page #12

Message Poster Age /Time
[Rant about how most people are fucking retarded.] Sysop 7 months (2009-09-29 19:31:?? UTC)
Please use proper punctuation in topic headlines and posts. Posts like "Simple maths" are just asking to get deleted. ? 7 months (2009-09-29 19:28:?? UTC)
If you see spam or trolling: Do NOT respond to it. Just "Report" it and pretend it doesn't exist. Unless you actually want to risk being banned and having your posts deleted… ? 7 months (2009-09-29 06:41:?? UTC)
Feel free to add events… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-28 23:59:?? UTC)
I'm not going to claim that all people who get banned here are beyond help and couldn't have contributed with quality posts. It's just that they didn't. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-28 21:46:?? UTC)
If your first post is a topic about AT, you WILL be labeled as a troll. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-28 12:36:?? UTC)
Yet another DDoS attack from the chanturds. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-28 11:39:?? UTC)
A mistake I admit to have made, and that a lot of others do, is bitch about too many pedophiles. This is a free-speech BBS. Deal with it. Use Ostrich or SFW mode. ? 7 months (2009-09-27 23:19:?? UTC)
I feel that I should point out that I was myself extremely skeptical toward adding the "Events" link to the main menu. It is currently experimental. I completely understand if you think that AT is starting to get bloated, but I assure you that the section has a real, thought-through, long-term purpose and I am not going to let this turn into a place full of useless crap. I will soon try to improve the "Stuff" section to not be so cluttered/overwhelming, and the "Events" section may move down there… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-27 17:42:?? UTC)
Guys, we need to get together and save AT. If everyone who reads this tells 5 people to come here we will see a massive improvement. Do it now! ? 7 months (2009-09-27 13:48:?? UTC)
Remember to end your titles with punctuation! ? 7 months (2009-09-27 13:38:?? UTC)
Waking up to having to manually delete 50% of a new poster's replies because half of it is written properly and half of it is written in all-lowercase with no punctuation and full of obvious typos… What a glorious job! I can't even begin to imagine how many topics make no sense anymore thanks to these morons… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-27 12:40:?? UTC)
How hard is it to start sentences with a capital letter? How hard is it to actually end your sentences? How hard is it to proof-read your post at least once before posting it, to catch the worst, most obvious errors? Why do you keep doing these idiotic "mistakes" again and again, wasting endless amounts of time and energy for absolutely no good reason? Yes — mistakes are sometimes made by all humans, but I'm talking systematic sloppiness… It's nothing but rude. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-27 03:56:?? UTC)
This place is called AT. We are AnTs, learn the fucking difference before you try to use either of the two. ? 7 months (2009-09-27 01:31:?? UTC)
This is a global board. Not everyone is from where you live! If you're asking a legal/jurisdiction-sensitive question, please make sure to state where you live. ? 7 months (2009-09-27 00:39:?? UTC)
It's "'80s" and NOT "80's" you apostrophe abusing fucks. Which imbeciles taught you English? ? 7 months (2009-09-26 22:34:?? UTC)
For discussions about the "events" feature: Sysop 7 months (2009-09-26 19:43:?? UTC)
There are more trolls than real posters here. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-26 19:43:?? UTC)
The easiest way to help out AnonTalk right now is to just make topics! The activity is much too low right now. Remember, this is a site about anything! Have something that's on your mind? Have a question you're afraid to ask elsewhere? Did something grind your gears recently? A topic can be about anything you'd like. Make a pledge to help out AT; make at least one new topic a day for the next thirty days. If every AnT made at least one quality topic daily, the number of replies would go way up! ? 7 months (2009-09-26 11:42:?? UTC)
(This mostly applies to old-timers, I guess.) If you wonder why your trash can just filled up with replies to non-existent topics, that's because I cleared all 200+, mostly "bulletin style", topics started by me since the beginning (mostly before the bulletins feature came along). They were just taking up space; not everything that is technically correct is worth saving… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 22:11:?? UTC)
Post links to the SFW mode to spread the word. That will keep AT from being stigmatized as a pedo site. ? 7 months (2009-09-25 19:16:?? UTC)
Everybody here should be trying to find a way to spread the word. If you are a loyal member of this site then it is in your interest to get more people here and make this site more mainstream. Without turning it into a chan of course. ? 7 months (2009-09-25 17:08:?? UTC)
It's completely unbelievable that (nearly) nobody has any interest in respecting this board but instead just shits out one crappy post after another. You WILL be banned when found out — you are NOT being funny, witty, clever or anything else but retarded. Do NOT post here if you are a moron who doesn't know basic English and has nothing of value to contribute. The world really is full of braindead, malicious assholes… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 16:13:?? UTC)
Why are you posting TROLLY SHIT REPLIES? You KNOW that you are going to get banned and yet you do it, even those of you who have quality posts. STOP POSTING TROLLY SHIT REPLIES! Fucking idiots. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 15:59:?? UTC)
Replying to trolls and/or admitting to bypassing bans still will get you banned. Are you all fucking retarded? Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 15:50:?? UTC)
How the FUCK doesn't this great place have hundreds (or even thousands) of active, genuine posters on-line at any given time? HOW? The traffic has even dropped far below what I used to think was low. THERE JUST IS NO TRAFFIC COMING HERE! Isn't it enough to have the best site in the whole world? What the fuck do you WANT? WHY are you never spreading the word?! It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 11:24:?? UTC)
The only people who come here anymore are the retarded trolls. Thanks for killing AT, fuckers. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 11:12:?? UTC)
Stop double-quoting ("> > Foobar." or ">> Foobar.") when it's just one level ("> Foobar."). This is yet another retarded thing that you must have (mis)learned from that braindead shithole Retardchan and which causes problems here. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 10:57:?? UTC)
Some people really don't seem to understand that they are trolling and/or going off-topic… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 10:46:?? UTC)
If you can only tell one person about AnonTalk - just one - it is worthwhile. You never know how many people they could potentially tell, and how many people they could possibly tell, etc. It only takes one butterfly to start a hurricane. Tell someone about AnonTalk today! ? 7 months (2009-09-25 04:52:?? UTC)
You seriously have to start spreading the word now. Why aren't you spreading the word? I just don't fucking get it. The traffic is still next to none and we're only a few months away from two years… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 02:24:?? UTC)
So many worthless fucktards — so insanely few genuine people… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 01:46:?? UTC)
Try "shuffle" and "bumps" to find new ignored topics. ? 7 months (2009-09-25 01:40:?? UTC)
We need a major link somewhere to constantly get fresh visitors. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 01:19:?? UTC)
There is now a "latest polls" RSS feed as well. (The references to RSS feeds have been removed from all pages other than those that have a unique feed.) Sysop 7 months (2009-09-25 00:07:?? UTC)
Any kind of association with the illegal AT clones (which their scumbag hosts refuse to remove only because they know I can't afford a lawyer) marks you as a traitor in my book. I've naturally never posted on any of them, and never visit them beyond the first time, but if you do it, you support them; no matter what you post, you acknowledge their existence. Please do not — rather try to take them down in any way you see fit… but don't talk to me about it. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-24 22:22:?? UTC)
Give the "polls" section new life! Make a poll, or two, or three! ? 7 months (2009-09-24 22:20:?? UTC)
We are not all pedophiles, there are just quite a few topics regarding pedophilia, because this site is not censored of stuff that does not break the rules, so stop trolling! ? 7 months (2009-09-24 21:33:?? UTC)
Capitalize your sentences correctly and use proper punctuation. In addition, do not forget to spell check! ? 7 months (2009-09-24 19:20:?? UTC)
Can we come up with anything more interesting than "what grinds my gears" topics? ? 7 months (2009-09-24 17:31:?? UTC)
Stop starting your sentences with "And". ? 7 months (2009-09-24 15:48:?? UTC)
What really grinds my gears: people who write otherwise quality posts but slip an error through by not proof-reading before posting. PROOF-READ! PROOF-READ! PROOF-FUCKING-REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAD! Sysop 7 months (2009-09-24 13:00:?? UTC)
Who are all these worthless fucks who have nothing better to do than to constantly evade bans and post nonsense here? GET THE FUCK OUT ALREADY! Jesus. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-24 03:33:?? UTC)
If you had problems sending me PMs just now, that bug is now fixed. Also, "spasm mode" now works there as well (by request). Sysop 7 months (2009-09-23 23:27:?? UTC)
If you think the OP of a topic is a troll, do not post things like "OP is a troll", or "OP is obviously trolling". Instead, ignore the topic, and move on. ? 7 months (2009-09-23 23:26:?? UTC)
Bleh. If Dr Pepper doesn't feel like even replying to my proposal, I don't feel like advertising them for free anymore. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-23 23:10:?? UTC)
Please remember to use proper punctuation in your topic headlines. ? 7 months (2009-09-23 22:54:?? UTC)
Why is it that so many "people" (if you can call them that…) have no interest whatsoever in discussing random things and acting as "catalysts" here but, instead, spend all their time "testing the free speech" by trolling and posting the same tired old nonsense over and over again? Sysop 7 months (2009-09-23 21:40:?? UTC)
We all know what a troll is, we all know what a trolly post looks like and we all know to not reply to trolls, so why the fuck do we keep replying to trolls? ? 7 months (2009-09-23 21:17:?? UTC)
New feature: "Toolbox". It's a little section that you find under "Stuff" and it currently only allows you to generate fancy YouTube links: Sysop 7 months (2009-09-23 18:44:?? UTC)
Questions… end… with… question marks… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-23 10:38:?? UTC)
So many unbelievably retarded and worthless fucking morons out there… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-23 00:37:?? UTC)
Last warning to those who decided to side with the troll who posted an inaccurate description of a video clip. Do it again and get banned without hesitation. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-22 23:23:?? UTC)
To whoever keeps using bots to search for "lol": you are not slowing anything down, idiot. Sure — the server may be a big pile of shit, but it's not from the 19th century… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-22 16:38:?? UTC)
Traffic really has decreased. Not really the activity (although it is still too low), but the traffic. I wish I knew whether a large potential audience cannot technically access AT due to some sort of censorship… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-22 07:58:?? UTC)
What the fuck is going on here? How can it possibly be that there still is no traffic, no donations and no ad deals? Fucking unbelievable. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-21 16:31:?? UTC)
Don't be sorry — just don't make stupid mistakes in the first place! Sysop 7 months (2009-09-20 20:17:?? UTC)
If only trolls would put all their energy on writing quality posts instead of being obnoxious fucktards… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-20 19:33:?? UTC)
Feel free to start helping out any day now… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-20 15:25:?? UTC)
Two really annoying things: 1. People who make misleading headlines that insinuate some sort of "walkthrough" or guide when they really are requests. 2. People who don't repost stuff after they get it deleted. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-20 13:38:?? UTC)
When composing a new topic, during your proof-reading, think about someone with no knowledge of your topic reading it. It's irritating to have to ask for extra details, so please, include everything even semi-relevant to the topic in your initial post. ? 7 months (2009-09-20 11:22:?? UTC)
Alright. Because I actually give a shit about others and their privacy, I usually delete posts upon request by the author if they have "made a mistake" by posting identifiable information about themselves, even though you are told that posts won't be deleted once published. This, however, is becoming a big fucking chore, and I urge you to NOT COMPROMISE YOUR OWN PRIVACY. Read this: Sysop 7 months (2009-09-20 08:39:?? UTC)
Don't post nonsense without explaining yourself. Forcing somebody to reply with "What?" can ruin an entire topic, especially if it's never answered. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-20 07:54:?? UTC)
Hint: Coming here and ONLY answering polls (typically voting negatively in any poll about AT) without doing anything else will detect you as a troll and get you nuked. Don't even waste your time. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-20 07:29:?? UTC)
What grinds my gears: When a user creates an otherwise quality topic with a worthless headline such as "Teaching school?", inevitably their topic is deleted however they don't realize why and never re-post the thread. ? 7 months (2009-09-19 16:59:?? UTC)
Sigh. One person replies with a typo, I delete the post with the typo, but six other people have now started referring to that reply, or replies referring to that reply. Now, I have to delete them all and each will think that they got their post deleted for no reason. PROOF-READ AND SPELL CHECK YOUR GOD DAMN POSTS AND WE WON'T END UP WITH THIS KIND OF MESS! Sysop 7 months (2009-09-19 15:39:?? UTC)
(Apparently, it is "Dr Pepper" and not "Dr. Pepper". It makes no sense, but sure…) Sysop 7 months (2009-09-19 13:25:?? UTC)
Why can't you start your sentences with a capital letter and finish them with the relevant punctuation? ? 7 months (2009-09-19 10:57:?? UTC)
How can it even be technically possible for this little traffic to find its way here? By all logic, there should never, ever be less than 100 people on-line at the same time here. It's very sad and frustrating that you consistently completely ignore me when I ask you to spread the word and link here. You obviously don't. The traffic that does come seems to be (more or less) exclusively due to my own efforts. Why does the word get spread about insanely shitty sites like but not the far superior AT? Sysop 7 months (2009-09-19 06:53:?? UTC)
Since I keep getting PMs about it: the Dr. Pepper graphical ad is NOT an official deal. Naturally, they haven't even responded to my request, and are unlikely to ever do so (or, if they do, they will most definitely decline my offer). It's not making any money. It's just a test. (If you are from Dr. Pepper and don't want your brand here, e-mail me and I'll remove it.) Sysop 7 months (2009-09-18 23:48:?? UTC)
Whenever less than 150 people are on-line at the same time, it's way too few. Why not spread the word? You can't be doing it or there would be more traffic. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-18 18:11:?? UTC)
… and when you re-post the EXACT SAME FUCKING ERROR after you got your first attempt deleted, you are just asking to get banned. This time, the topic got tons of replies before it was noticed and deleted. Sigh. Idiots ruin this place. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-18 16:31:?? UTC)
New (requested many times) feature: "bloat mode". It will show the entire reply that you are citing when composing new replies. See dashboard. (Off by default.) Sysop 7 months (2009-09-18 13:32:?? UTC)
If you wonder why your drafts disappeared prematurely just now (unlikely, but still…), I can reveal that I removed them all in order to be able to fix a thing in the database. (This won't happen again.) Sysop 7 months (2009-09-18 12:50:?? UTC)
It really sucks to delete a topic with lots of replies just because you typed "on my friends PC" in the headline instead of "on my friend's PC". I wish you wouldn't force me to do things like that. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-18 11:25:?? UTC)
No polls that you have already answered will be shown in "poll ads" from now on. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-17 20:32:?? UTC)
Contrary to popular belief, "write properly" doesn't mean "omit punctuation"… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-17 19:17:?? UTC)
The polls shown as "ads" now respect the SFW/ostrich modes. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-17 18:30:?? UTC)
It's pointless to even mention it anymore since you are all cheap fucks who want AT to die, but I'll say it anyway: big donations are critically needed Sysop 7 months (2009-09-17 12:22:?? UTC)
In an attempt to give the polls more traffic, random polls are now shown instead of the advertisements on some page loads. (As the poll question as a hyperlink to the poll.) Sysop 7 months (2009-09-16 20:41:?? UTC)
Can't you come up with something more interesting than these frequent "Ask a[n] X anything" topics? Sysop 7 months (2009-09-16 14:17:?? UTC)
You really, really need to start spreading the fucking word… Sysop 7 months (2009-09-16 09:34:?? UTC)
Every day I have to delete tons of posts due to idiotic typos. Often, I notice and delete a topic with lots of replies for having "peice" instead of "piece" in the headline. This is fucking annoying. Start proof-reading and it won't happen. Sysop 7 months (2009-09-16 07:09:?? UTC)
New feature: "Safe For Work" mode. See topic: Sysop 8 months (2009-09-15 21:12:?? UTC)
No donations, no ad slots bought, zero fucking traffic, absolutely no (measurable) help spreading the word, constant DDoS attacks, idiots harassing and making up lies about me and the site, silent censorship causing who knows how many people to be unable to even access AT, worthless scumbags cloning my hard work AND pretending that they made it, completely ignored when I legitimately abuse report truly illegal sites… what the fuck? How about a little help for once? Sysop 8 months (2009-09-15 08:31:?? UTC)
I've asked you countless times, but you just won't spread the word… Sysop 8 months (2009-09-14 19:49:?? UTC)
PLEASE start proof-reading before posting. The whole process of deleting your posts, sending PMs, dealing with your replies, etc., causes so much unnecessary work and badwill. Sysop 8 months (2009-09-14 13:56:?? UTC)
Removed the print stylesheet and all references to "noprint", etc., in order to save quite a few bytes on nearly every page load as well as one less HTTP request. (Yes, I am obsessed with optimization.) I dare say that print stylesheets are more or less useless and it was a waste of time to ever bother with it. Sysop 8 months (2009-09-14 09:47:?? UTC)
Less than 100 visitors at the same time = pathetic. Less than 50 (currently the case) = pathetic beyond words. Thanks for killing AT, assholes. Sysop 8 months (2009-09-14 09:05:?? UTC)
New small feature: in topics, unless you are in "tinfoil mode", any "cite links" that are not "previous" and which refer to a reply that you made previously in the topic get a "(your)" indicator added to them. Sysop 8 months (2009-09-14 09:02:?? UTC)
OK. ~50% of the traffic has disappeared. It was already way too low before. Something has to happen soon. Why are you not spreading the word? Sysop 8 months (2009-09-13 14:27:?? UTC)
There must be at least tens of thousands of Internet-connected people out there world-wide who not only would accept the so-called "strict" rules of AT, but welcome them wholeheartedly. But how does one find those in a vast ocean of drooling retards with no obvious place to look? Sysop 8 months (2009-09-13 11:18:?? UTC)
I'd go as far as saying that it's rude of the world to not shower AT with tons of quality traffic. Sysop 8 months (2009-09-13 08:16:?? UTC)
… other than DDoS traffic, that is. Sysop 8 months (2009-09-13 03:15:?? UTC)
Why the fuck does the best Web site on the Internet get zero traffic? Sysop 8 months (2009-09-11 11:10:?? UTC)
It is important that you keep reporting AT clones and any site that encourages/posts illegal things related to AT. If the scum cannot organize, they cannot plan any attacks, and AT won't go down. Sysop 8 months (2009-09-11 04:00:?? UTC)
Don't feel too intimidated to spread the word. Even if you can only tell one person, you can convert someone into an AnT! Tell a friend in real life, put AnonTalk in your forum or email signature, put a link to it in your sidebar if you have a blog, link to topics or polls on AT to friends if you find them interesting, etc. There are a million ways to help, think outside the box and get the best side on the internet as much traffic as possible. Even if you can't donate, someone else may be able to. Help AT! ? 8 months (2009-09-10 12:20:?? UTC)
Stop using "@OP" all the fucking time you idiots. Read the rules. ? 8 months (2009-09-09 09:33:?? UTC)
E-mail [email protected] and tell them about their thief for a customer and his DDoS attacks if you wish to help out. If you have no idea what that means, just ignore this. (Don't ask.) Sysop 8 months (2009-09-08 22:09:?? UTC)
Another ~8 hours of downtime due to attacks from the worthless chantards. Do you find this acceptable? I do not. Sysop 8 months (2009-09-08 21:26:?? UTC)