The only official archive of AnonTalk!
(This guide is incomplete and probably needs to be polished quite a bit, but it hopefully explains the basics decently.)
I hope that you'll enjoy removing trolls and spam in order to keep this place of super high quality. I also hope that you aren't going to become yet another rogue wiseguy who "goes postal"... Only time will tell. At the first sign of fuck-up, you are likely to get unmade and banned immediately. Your position as a moderator here is never "safe". You are expected to be a "good example". Please don't force me to remove you.
Feature | Description |
Stock PM | Send a private message to a newbie using this feature. You can select from a list of pre-written ones. |
Edit comments | A way to help other moderators (and the board as a whole) and maybe even save yourself for being labeled a rogue wiseguy in some cases. |
Report | A convenient way to report a poster by its ID. Same as doing it from the links in a topic. |
Acquit | "Acquits" the poster by removing all its abuse reports. Only available when the poster has one or more abuse report filed. This is to be used when people have incorrectly reported a poster. |
Ban | The poster is banned (and unwhitelisted if whitelisted) and is notified about this via a PM. |
Evil Ban | The poster is banned (and unwhitelisted if whitelisted) and the last used IP address is shitlisted for three days. |
Nuke Light | Removes all the posts by the poster (excluding any secured ones) and sends a PM explaining what has happened and that he/she should stop posting garbage. |
Evil Nuke Light | Removes all the posts by the poster (excluding any secured ones), bans the poster (and unwhitelists it if whitelisted), shitlists the last used IP address for three days and temporarily bans the last hostname used for about 24 hours. All poll votes, pending polls, wishes, PMs, etc. by the poster are also removed. |
The checkboxes and the "secure/unsecure" button | "Secures" or "unsecures" one/several/many/all post(s) from getting deleted in nukes, etc. Check the ones you want to secure (or uncheck the ones you want to unsecure) and then submit the form using the button (which appears after the replies). Useful when the poster has posted one or a few quality posts and then started trolling (or vice versa). This way, we can keep what is worth keeping. (The "master checkbox" will uncheck/check all boxes in both the "topics" and "replies" tables.) |
Here, known troll patterns/phrases are listed. Many are set to automatically ban the poster, but they are often "disguised" or obscured, making this impossible to do automatically. Humans are required for this. They can be seen by reading the first letter of each word, each row, or by looking at what is emphasized, and many, many other ways. They are often indirectly referenced, sometimes very subtly. This list is of course not anywhere near complete and new ones are seen regularly. New wiseguys may find this useful to know, and old wiseguys could also be "filled in".
Anything related to "fat nigger cock in my cum filled throat", "backtrace", "r04r" as a nickname, "bus puppy", calling "pizza" "pizz", "You sophist!", "Depressionman", "X in my Y? It's more likely than you think.", "I was going to donate, but...", "I get all my posts deleted and IP banned each time I do it.", "go fuck a shit up your ass", "what is a troll?", "X Y is X", "no, a taste test", "cool story, bro", "u mad", "why so serious", "We are anonymous. We are legion. We are blabla" (maybe wrong order), "kimbo", "kimberly", "kimblow", "kimm0", "chemo", "mr elm", "gun log", "gunlog" (and a billion variations of those), "pizza pizza haegersten", "Know of any good pizzerias in Stockholm, Sweden?", "swedish pedophile", "fat pedophile from stockholm", "My son never goes out but just sits in his room and fails at everything he does. He tries to run a forum blablabla", "I am a failure. I try to run this forum blablabla", "Can you crack this secret code?" (such as "95573f377a24013635a0c22aaefd1bcb", mainly if first topic), "We got the domain back!! Check it out!", ANY "short URL" service (let me know about it and I will ban it), "Why bully X?", "Why do you bully X?", "I've been a member for a long time but I'm posting this from a fresh ID becaue I will soon get censored", "I will probably get banned for this, but...", "I used to be a wiseguy", "I'm a wiseguy on a different ID on a different IP address range", "I'm Sysop who is posting away from home", "you fucking IDIOT!", "psychotic fucktards", basically any term that I've introduced or used in bulletins…