AnonTalk Bulletins Archive

The only official archive of AnonTalk!

Bulletins, page #7

Message Poster Age /Time
Copying and pasting content without quoting it properly and giving correct credits/sources (if known) will get you permanently banned and shitlisted without the possibility to appeal it. ORIGINAL CONTENT ONLY! Even if you actually wrote it, it is VERY MUCH NOT RECOMMENDED that you also post it ANYWHERE else on the Internet, EVEN if you first published it here. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-20 17:18:?? UTC)
To the person who had problems restoring an ID: PM me again. I've found the solution. (I can't reply to you because no history is kept.) Sysop 4 months (2009-12-20 02:01:?? UTC)
If you wonder why the "new items" indicator in the main menu for the watchlist is unreliable sometimes, it's because I was forced (due to a huge database and very weak hardware) to come up with an "ugly hack" to speed the check up heavily. This has been mentioned in the past in the bulletins. It could become possible to "do it right" again when the "zombie slayer" script has caught up. We'll see. Don't hold your breath. New hardware would be great but it's not gonna happen due to lack of funds. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-20 00:32:?? UTC)
Stop making those FUCKING "ask X anything" topics already. At least don't start one when several ones have been created recently. Keep the board varied. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-20 00:02:?? UTC)
OK. There you go: (a link can be found in "Stuff", naturally). I implemented exactly the same idea for a project years ago, actually, but since I personally use my own, local method for keeping notes, I didn't think that it was such a useful feature. Since some of you seem to want it, though, I guess it can't hurt. I actually think that this will result in slightly more interesting topics being created that would otherwise be forgotten about. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-19 22:08:?? UTC)
If I hear one more "my stupid little brother used my computer when I was away and posted a bunch of shit that got me banned — please unban" story… It appears as if a lot of people have "stupid little brothers"… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-19 21:29:?? UTC)
Why do so many people end their questions with a full stop? Don't — there's this new invention called "the question mark". It looks like this: "?" Sysop 4 months (2009-12-19 21:17:?? UTC)
What the fuck? In NO case is a sum of money (in this case, USD) written as 100$. It's always $100. Use your fucking brains or get the fuck out. ? 4 months (2009-12-19 19:18:?? UTC)
If you truly want to help out without having to spend any money or spread the word: Sysop 4 months (2009-12-19 16:08:?? UTC)
Don't just tell me in private how much you like AT — submit your testimonial so that everyone can read it: Sysop 4 months (2009-12-19 04:23:?? UTC)
Why do people post in threads that are sure to be deleted? Here's a tip: if it's got terrible spelling and grammar, you are wasting your time. Please ignore the thread so it can die a quiet, deserved death! ? 4 months (2009-12-18 06:14:?? UTC)
I just got a PM from the AnT who did the domain thing (referred to in a previous bulletin) and he has given me a reasonable explanation that I believe. It was not because of him but due to the registrar's incompetence, causing the domain to be stolen. While that is insane in its own right, at least it's better than yet another traitor. So forget about that particular issue… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-18 02:33:?? UTC)
Do I really have to spell it out? If you are using an unauthorized AT clone (meaning any of them) for ANY purpose, you are NOT welcome here on the original site. You will be considered a traitor, no matter what your excuse is. Do the right thing and get them removed from the Internet instead. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-18 02:23:?? UTC)
It seems that most PMs are entirely ignored, even though they have to be read before the poster can post again. Only bans seem to work to get the idiots' attention. Unbelievable… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-18 02:21:?? UTC)
To the asshole who originally registered the .com version of a troll clone domain, saying that the reason was to prevent them from getting it, but who has now redirected it to the disgusting, illegal clone: go fuck yourself. Nothing but lying traitors… every single day. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-18 02:08:?? UTC)
Wanted: a lot more quality traffic. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-17 05:52:?? UTC)
Made slightly better graphical AT banners (much more "plain", no borders). Still only the same two sizes, however. If you want other sizes, I can produce any standard-sized version. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-17 03:21:?? UTC)
What the fuck? Every day, I decline an insane amount of polls just because they lack punctuation. And they are rarely re-posted, just like deleted posts. What part of the bold text "Each option must end with some kind of punctuation mark, such as a period or an ending parenthesis!" is unclear? Sysop 4 months (2009-12-16 23:31:?? UTC)
Don't act stupid. If you get a topic deleted (notified via a PM as always) and then get another PM telling you to stop writing bad headlines, how can you possibly still wonder why your topic was deleted? Especially when it's specifically mentioned in a bulletin? Unbelievable… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-16 21:35:?? UTC)
How do you not realize that "Does anyone else have this problem?" is a completely worthless headline for a topic? It would fit as a last sentence/paragraph in the body, but absolutely not in the headline! I just deleted a big topic with that headline. Did I want to? Hell no. Did I have to? Yes, unfortunately. Sigh… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-16 21:26:?? UTC)
If all you do is vote in polls, you are likely going to be considered a troll/bot. Maybe you are not one, but it sure seems like troll/bot-like behaviour. Somebody with 140+ votes (over weeks) and zero other contributions was nuked earlier. I find it very unlikely that somebody would never have anything to talk about and just use the board for voting, but of course it's possible. A lot of problems would be much easier to fix if it weren't for "possibilities" like this that have to be considered… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-16 20:58:?? UTC)
You really need to start spreading the word about AT to non-retards. It's extremely time consuming to keep removing all these fucking morons who just keep posting worthless junk. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-16 20:36:?? UTC)
Don't reply to topics with bad headlines. They will be deleted and so will your replies. Don't legitimize crappy posts (especially not replies) by acknowledging their existence. If you keep replying to them, people think that they are OK. (Same goes for not deleting bad posts.) Sysop 4 months (2009-12-16 20:31:?? UTC)
I don't know how many fucking idiots I've just removed. I lose count every time. Tons of posts gone… such a waste. Just because you couldn't pay some minimal fucking attention and put in a little effort. Is it really so fucking difficult for you idiots to write headlines that MAKE SENSE, START SENTENCES WITH A CAPITAL LETTER, SPELL CHECK and fucking not get everything wrong that you could possibly get wrong?! Sysop 4 months (2009-12-16 20:25:?? UTC)
Use the "elaborate abuse report" feature more often, but also don't abuse it! Sysop 4 months (2009-12-16 20:07:?? UTC)
Saying "faggot" every other word over here makes you look like a Chantard and an idiot. Don't do it unless referring to a homosexual insultingly (and even that is really not constructive at all)… ? 4 months (2009-12-16 17:07:?? UTC)
Very, very few people seem to understand the true spirit of this place. This site is uncensored, that means you can create a topic talking about how you find homosexuals disgusting… But, it DOESN'T mean that you can make a response in a topic discussing gay sex about how you find homosexuals disgusting. That's classed as trolling (and rightly so). If you're too stupid to understand this and to respect others: Leave. ? 4 months (2009-12-16 01:21:?? UTC)
For the love of god, if you're replying to someone, CITE them! ? 4 months (2009-12-15 09:40:?? UTC)
Why, after countless bulletins detailing Sysop's reasoning behind not wanting us to respond to troll threads, are there still retards who do it? I just don't understand why so many people continue to be complete and utter morons… ? 4 months (2009-12-15 02:17:?? UTC)
"This is an outrage! I can't be a moron here?! I'm used to being able to type like a retarded monkey and throw troll memes around instead of using the Internet for something worthwhile! It's not allowed here?! Truly disgusting! I'm never coming back! Fuck you!"… The next day, they come back to make a new topic under a new ID about how they are never coming back… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-14 21:08:?? UTC)
Why is the world full of dangerously stupid, malicious assholes who are ready to spend significant time, effort and even money into sabotaging and spoiling good things (such as AT) instead of helping out? Imagine if all these morons would just understand and accept the spirit of this place and donate and spread the word properly instead of putting the money into troll clones, writing elaborate lies, spreading FUD, posting shit here and sending fake abuse reports to every damn affiliate. Just imagine. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-14 03:27:?? UTC)
"TELMEX" (major Mexican ISP) apparently blocks AT for some reason: (screenshot provided by a MexicAnT). I wonder how many other ISPs also block AT (perhaps silently/sneakily) in the USA and whatnot… In either case, feel free to contact them if you speak the language: Sysop 5 months (2009-12-14 01:29:?? UTC)
Fixed a bug which would show "1 new reply" if you were using "special mode" and responded to a given topic, even if the only new reply is your own. I guess it technically is "new"/unread, but that is obviously not what the user wants. Thanks for letting me know, but it's very frightening that things like this go unreported for so long. I bet at least a few people saw it before the person who just reported it… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-14 00:57:?? UTC)
If I hear that "clean room design" bullshit one more time… Who gives a shit about the underlying code? It's what's actually produced on the screen or sent back from the server that matters. You think "The Great Giana Sisters" used the actual code from Super Mario Bros.? Of course not. It was still an illegal clone and quickly removed from the shelves. That's what will happen to any AT clone that gets big. Don't even fucking try. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-13 23:41:?? UTC)
What the fuck is up with so many people thinking that you have to end your one-sentence, non-question headlines with a punctuation mark lately? Is this yet another fucking "meme"? Because that's not the case, as mentioned here: Sysop 5 months (2009-12-13 23:01:?? UTC)
Since I know that you are reading this: take down your disgusting AT clone(s) or you'll regret copying somebody else's hard work. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-13 16:08:?? UTC)
Several new wiseguys are needed. Do NOT apply if you are going to not give a shit, like so many old ones who got unmade and banned for this. 500 posts minimum required from now on. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-13 15:37:?? UTC)
If you confuse "your" with "you're" (or vice versa), there simply is no reasonable hope for you and you will be immediately banned when found out. Getting unbanned after doing that is very unlikely. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-13 03:57:?? UTC)
If you make a topic about a YouTube video, post a fucking link please. ? 5 months (2009-12-13 03:24:?? UTC)
Don't be a lazy peasAnT — keep AT pleasAnT! Sysop 5 months (2009-12-13 00:53:?? UTC)
This is getting really absurd. Why are you not spreading the word? Sysop 5 months (2009-12-12 23:55:?? UTC)
When talking about people (including yourself), use "who" instead of "that". Example: "Was he the one who did it?" ? 5 months (2009-12-12 07:38:?? UTC)
AT needs traffic. I've said it over and over, for so long now… yet I never see any increase. More of a decrease, really. And many of the posts posted are from psycho trolls. Why aren't you spreading the word to sane people? This concept has more than enough people world-wide for it to be a very nice and active board, but then you need to spread the word so that those people actually find their way here. They are obviously not coming here by themselves through some sort of magic. Your help is needed. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-12 03:27:?? UTC)
Another four months old poster gone psycho… all of a sudden. Really bizarre. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-12 03:23:?? UTC)
A lot of you make very good posts, but insist on making small mistakes that ruin everything. Is it really that difficult to start the first sentence with a capital letter? Sysop 5 months (2009-12-12 03:03:?? UTC)
I still see no quality traffic boost… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-12 00:26:?? UTC)
The spell checker now (finally — postponed for eons) has a custom list of terms, beyond just English words. Feel free to start suggesting phrases to be added as "OK spelling". I have added "AnonTalk" even though it's not an English word, but since it's known and common here. You get the point. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-11 23:59:?? UTC)
I have just possibly fixed a long-time annoyance with insane timeouts when posting for some posters who are not whitelisted. Of course, it will be very difficult to tell due to this happening mostly to non-regulars, who are unlikely to report a change, but if you ever experience an insane timeout when posting again, let me know… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-11 23:37:?? UTC)
If you wonder why seemingly good topics disappear sometimes, it could be because if a psycho is detected who has created 10+ good topics and lots of replies, only to start trolling, one can often assume that the things he posted earlier were lies (depending on what they were about), causing a complete nuke of the poster to be the only reasonable option. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-11 18:05:?? UTC)
Don't believe all the psycho trolls. They are using lies to spread FUD. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-11 18:03:?? UTC)
Sigh. Do not use any form of "TL;DR" ("too long; didn't read") chan bullshit — not even if you type it out properly. If you don't even respect the topic enough to read the original post, don't reply at all. I really hate banning people — trust me — but you give me no choice when you keep doing shit like this. Very few people seem to understand the true spirit of this place. I wish I could somehow beam my vision into your skulls… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-11 01:45:?? UTC)
AT needs a MAJOR quality traffic boost. At least 10x. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-11 00:57:?? UTC)
If you insist on making the same topics about AT itself all the time, I will have to insist on labeling you as trolls. ("How did you find this place?", etc.) Sysop 5 months (2009-12-10 23:06:?? UTC)
Please state reasons for your opinions and don't just write "Yes", "I agree" or "I disagree". If people want answers like this, they usually start a poll. ? 5 months (2009-12-10 14:41:?? UTC)
If you live in China and get strange errors or lose your Internet connection when trying to load certain pages here, and you are using the normal interface, this is likely because of censorship (yes, seriously) and you should instead switch to and always use the encrypted one: Sysop 5 months (2009-12-09 20:35:?? UTC)
I can't believe I'm once again forced to repeat this, but you need to start helping out by at least spreading the word… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-09 12:35:?? UTC)
"AnonTalk Episode II: Attack of the Clones" sure has many Jar Jar Binks in it… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-09 12:05:?? UTC)
Learn how to quote. Stop just copying and pasting shit that you didn't write. You must quote all unoriginal texts, either by starting each row with ">" or by simply using some kind of quotes. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-09 11:37:?? UTC)
Once again: "IWAP" needs major traffic. It makes virtually no money at all. Please spread the word about and link to in order to support AT indirectly without having to donate. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-08 23:44:?? UTC)
Fixed a bug with the "new topic based on poll" feature and the pre-written headlines. They are still far from perfect, though, and often need manual "brushing up"… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-08 23:31:?? UTC)
It's easy to "read what you want to read" when you proof-read your own text too rapidly. You should definitely not proof-read at the same pace as you normally read somebody else's text. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-08 20:25:?? UTC)
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not here all the time. If I don't respond to your PM, it means that I'm not around — not that I'm ignoring you. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-08 20:07:?? UTC)
AT needs your dedicated support, and I'm not just talking about donations. Get a troll site banned from PayPal, get them removed from their host — do anything to help AT out! Also, remember to never respond to trolls in any way. Drown their attempts to ruin this place with their subhuman bullshit with many high-quality topics and replies! Sysop 5 months (2009-12-08 13:03:?? UTC)
Always end your sentences/posts with a punctuation character (such as a period). Way too many posts get deleted just because they end "mid-air". This is impossible to detect automatically due to the fact that smileys etc. are allowed. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-08 02:28:?? UTC)
If you receive a PM reply from me, that means that I have no record of the conversation left. From that point, you have to reply back if you still have questions or want to get unbanned or whatever. If you wonder why I don't reply, that's because I assume that the issue is "resolved" if I receive no further replies. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-07 23:35:?? UTC)
How come every death threat I receive is written by an illiterate, BTW? Sysop 5 months (2009-12-07 19:30:?? UTC) No comments. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-07 19:23:?? UTC)
Sometimes, even intelligent-looking posts can actually be well-made troll posts. Watch out. ? 5 months (2009-12-07 14:58:?? UTC)
It's quite sad when the only way you can "belong" is to have a bunch of retarded troll "friends" abuse various internal features here day and night to send me psychotic messages about how great they are for being able to bypass bans on a free-for-all, no-registration forum and how worthless I am for running the best site in the world. I'm convinced that the ones who do this must have a real, serious mental illness; a typical teenage troll just doesn't keep it up for this long and to such an extent. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-07 09:58:?? UTC)
"Freedom of speech" does not equal "Freedom of being an arse-hole". Just because you are anonymous that doesn't mean you should be rude or "flame" people. ? 5 months (2009-12-07 05:59:?? UTC)
The spell checker isn't magical: Sysop 5 months (2009-12-06 21:03:?? UTC)
So… many… fucking… idiots. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-06 20:41:?? UTC)
Why the fuck do I keep seeing idiots doing "http:\\"? Sysop 5 months (2009-12-06 18:01:?? UTC)
If you don't report a bug/error when you encounter it, don't expect it to be fixed until I happen to stumble upon it myself, which could take forever. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-06 09:36:?? UTC)
11 hours since the last vote on most of the newest polls. WHAT THE FUCK?! How is it possible for this kind of deadness to take place on the best site on the Web? WHY are you not spreading the word? WHY?! Sysop 5 months (2009-12-06 09:20:?? UTC)
Don't ask who anyone is. You won't get banned that way. ? 5 months (2009-12-06 04:54:?? UTC)
This place has really died. Again. Thank you for your non-existent support. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-05 22:00:?? UTC)
Yet another bunch of psychos detected who just pretended to be real posters for a few weeks only to start posting psychotic troll bullshit. Is there even a single genuine user left here? How can there be people like this? And so many, too. Unbelievable… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-05 20:19:?? UTC)
Any sort of reply to a troll topic = immediate ban and shitlist. How is this still not clear to you dumb fucks? I leave here for a few hours and always come back to a pile of shit to clean up. DO NOT REPLY TO TROLLS! Sysop 5 months (2009-12-05 20:17:?? UTC)
Whenever I see an instance of "_AT_" from now on, I'll ban and shitlist that poster. IT CLEARLY SAYS THAT IT'S TWO UNDERSCORES ON EACH SIDE — NOT ONE! All the "link codes" are properly written with two underscores on each side. The only way you could mess this up is by manually typing it out, ignoring the instruction/warning and not previewing. Sigh. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-05 12:18:?? UTC)
It's against the rules to not respect the OP and to hi-jack a topic… Why wait until you're banned before finding this out? ? 5 months (2009-12-05 02:12:?? UTC)
For the millionth time: Why are you not spreading the word? Why are you not linking here? Why is the best site on the Web dead? How can this be? Am I the only one who finds this completely fucking insane? Sysop 5 months (2009-12-04 19:02:?? UTC)
After a great start, IWAP has completely died traffic-wise to the point where I seriously consider killing it entirely. Instead of climbing slowly each day, it's almost down to no hits at all per day now. It's not making any money. It was supposed to fund AT without you having to donate, but since you won't lift a finger to help even that 100% "clean" site get some traffic, donations are still just as needed as before. Thanks for nothing, as usual. (What the fuck is your problem with linking to good sites?) Sysop 5 months (2009-12-04 16:11:?? UTC)
If you feel limited in what you can talk about and/or falsely accused of being a troll, thank the actual trolls that pollute this place 24/7 with their fucking bullshit. Don't blame me or the board — we both truly want you to feel free to discuss anything, but this is a world full of scum and allowing posters who follow well-known troll patterns would make this place extremely… unpleasant. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-04 09:38:?? UTC)
It's truly painful to find a poster who at first glance has posted only quality posts, but who on further inspection has tons of typos, punctuation abuse, etc. hidden here and there, sometimes weeks old or longer. The first step is of course to ban and shitlist them (which is sad but necessary), but going through every single post is just not feasible; I'd do nothing else all day. Nuking all posts is also not an option because, for some reason, they almost always vary in quality. Stop fucking up posts? Sysop 5 months (2009-12-04 09:14:?? UTC)
Please don't use abbreviations unless it's absolutely necessary. Is it really too much effort to type "download" instead of "DL"? Obscure language creates an obnoxious, unwelcoming environment. ? 5 months (2009-12-03 23:04:?? UTC)
You don't only feed trolls by baiting, but by posting anything in their thread. ? 5 months (2009-12-03 14:34:?? UTC)
What part of "don't feed the trolls" is unclear? Is it the "don't" or perhaps the "trolls"? Do. Not. Feed. The. Fucking. Trolls. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-03 14:19:?? UTC)
Sometimes I think that you want to get banned. Do NOT quote entire posts! EVER. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-03 12:42:?? UTC)
The reason for the long downtime was because of a big ol' firewall that didn't come back up after the power cut, and since AT has a special anti-DDoS setup these days, its actual server depends on it to function network-wise. It's too bad that this kind of thing always happens when AT gets a nice "flow" going… :-/ Sysop 5 months (2009-12-03 12:05:?? UTC)
The horrible downtime was caused by a power cut. That's all the information I have right now. More to come. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-03 11:55:?? UTC)
Trollbuster 2000™ has really spared so many headaches and so much work. Without it, this place would be a complete inferno of fucktards. Now it's just plagued by them. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-02 09:15:?? UTC)
The polls need more traffic. A lot of them don't even get more than 10 votes. There are around 100 people online as I'm writing this, please go vote on a poll (or two, or three…)! ? 5 months (2009-12-02 00:14:?? UTC)
The trash can now shows spell checking results for all items displayed in it. Perhaps this will cut down a bit on the "Why were my posts deleted?!" PMs… Sysop 5 months (2009-12-01 19:56:?? UTC)
It's "definitely" — not "definately", "defenitly", "defiantly" or anything else. Use the fucking spell checker. And end your damn posts with some sort of punctuation mark — don't just stop typing all of a sudden! Nobody wants you to get banned. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-01 19:50:?? UTC)
Improved the "poll topic" feature so that it automatically makes a decent, descriptive headline. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-01 15:37:?? UTC)
Polls that ask whether or not you know about X and present a list of specific alternatives rather than "yes" and "no" make little sense to me… yet, I keep seeing them submitted. What's up with that? Sysop 5 months (2009-12-01 15:10:?? UTC)
Don't just remove a couple of words so that you can essentially bypass the rule to not quote an entire post. Like everything else here, that's not a random rule without a very good reason behind it. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-01 09:44:?? UTC)
It's completely mind-boggling to actually see people confuse "your" and "you're". Especially when they have lots of posts, you know that they will have done it in several places. Urgh. Fucking idiots. Sysop 5 months (2009-12-01 09:35:?? UTC)
"I need some help here" is a very vague headline. Please try to be as specific as possible, it's likely to get you more responses and saves everyone time. ? 5 months (2009-12-01 06:21:?? UTC)