AnonTalk Bulletins Archive

The only official archive of AnonTalk!

Bulletins, page #6

Message Poster Age /Time
"Need relationship advice regarding my girlfriends sister" ← "girlfriend's". This kind of post will be deleted immediately when it's seen and its (yes, it's "its" here) author will almost definitely be banned for it. Please learn how to use the apostrophe; it's really basic. Furthermore, never end a post with "Thanks" — use a period or something in the very end. It's very common to omit it for some reason. (That English guide needs to be written…) Sysop 3 months (2010-01-18 19:00:?? UTC)
Spaces come after punctuation. Not before. "Example question ?" is not correct. Nor is "Example sentence ." "Example sentence 1. Example sentence 2." would be an example of correct usage. Please do not fuck this up. ? 3 months (2010-01-18 18:53:?? UTC)
If you want to help AT and don't like lying thieves, bookmark and go there every day, fill in the form with the offending domain (you know which — if you don't, this doesn't apply to you), and repeat for "Public Relations", "Business Development" (they are blocking real e-mails because they don't want to take responsibility for the scumbags they host). Or, since they seem to ignore all legitimate abuse reports, just DDoS them or use legal means. Thanks. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-18 18:37:?? UTC)
Spaces come after periods. Like that. For that matter, they also come after commas, semi-colons, regular colons, ellipses… most forms of punctuation. I feel slightly depressed I even need to point this out, but I have seen no fewer than four people make this mistake recently. ? 3 months (2010-01-18 16:08:?? UTC)
Every one of us has made the occasional retarded mistake in the middle of a long paragraph, but how the hell do you make one of the most obvious mistakes in the English language in the very first word?! It's you're, not your, if you are trying to say "you are." ? 3 months (2010-01-18 13:01:?? UTC)
Typing "internet explorer" when it's obviously called "Internet Explorer" has nothing to do with not knowing English — it's just dumb. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-18 12:53:?? UTC)
Long, run-on sentences are really quite annoying to read. A comma is not a replacement for a period. If it simply must be contained within the same sentence, please use a semi-colon. ? 3 months (2010-01-18 02:33:?? UTC)
Fixed a bug with the search features. They still have at least one annoying bug left, though, which is very hard to fix. Luckily, it's pretty obscure… Sysop 3 months (2010-01-18 02:00:?? UTC)
Many more events should be added… it's extremely surprising how few ones have been added. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-18 01:23:?? UTC)
So many interesting, big topics get deleted because the OP is a rude dumbass who didn't proof-read the post before publishing it… It's very sad and annoying. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-17 23:59:?? UTC)
The Tor-fixing "helpmethor"/"fuckyouthor" Oracle shit is now saved/deleted on the server side as a setting as well. This solved a problem for at least one AnT who is silly enough to clear cookies and "log in" every day… Sysop 3 months (2010-01-17 18:53:?? UTC)
The "Restore ID" section now supports not loading the stored dashboard settings, which can be desirable in quite a few contexts. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-17 13:30:?? UTC) ← This poster had a few good posts but mostly garbage like this. Flew under the radar for about a week without getting found out due to insufficient reports. Crap posts like those are dangerous as lots of newbies read them and think that they are OK here, causing even more of these worthless posts to be created. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-16 22:33:?? UTC)
QUOTE ALL texts that aren't written by yourself. Jesus fucking Christ… Sysop 3 months (2010-01-16 21:13:?? UTC)
For the ~6,457th time: don't fucking post "typo correction" replies — PROOF-READ (AND EDIT AS NEEDED) BEFORE YOU PUBLISH YOUR FUCKING POSTS! You will get banned if you pollute the board with trash posts. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-16 12:14:?? UTC)
Really fixed the annoyance related to replying to a topic that you already have watched with no other replies being posted in between. (Most likely this time.) Sysop 3 months (2010-01-16 11:10:?? UTC)
If you got a nonsensical "lame hacker/bot detected" error in the last half hour or so (probably more like five minutes) when trying to do anything but posting replies/topics, it was due to a temporary bug; don't touch anything! Sysop 3 months (2010-01-16 00:47:?? UTC)
Probably fixed an annoyance related to replying to a topic that you already have watched with no other replies being posted in between. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-16 00:44:?? UTC)
The "new" post publishing behaviour is now the default. The old behaviour is still available by enabling "special mode". (Yes, it has been "flipped". If you already had it enabled, you need to disable it in the dashboard or you will get the old behaviour.) Sysop 3 months (2010-01-15 18:58:?? UTC)
Stop ignoring the PMs you get. They aren't sent for fun. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-15 10:45:?? UTC)
New feature for "bloat mode": a "Forget" link is added next to the "Watch" link in topics so that you have the ability to "forget" about the visit. I personally don't see the real need for this feature, but it has been requested so many times that I've implemented it (although it's not on by default). Is this what you wanted, or have I misunderstood what you requested? Does it work as expected? Any bugs? Sysop 3 months (2010-01-14 19:54:?? UTC)
… and "to" and "too" are not the same. And a space does not go before a question mark… I really need to write that English guide ( soon. It'll be something concrete that can be referred to which will summarize all these annoyances in a simple manner. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-14 00:54:?? UTC)
"when your are" ← What the fuck is this? Instead of spending the few extra seconds to proof-read before publishing it, you crap it out on the board, very possibly ruining an entire topic unless it's immediately caught and deleted, and you get banned. And then you'll doubtlessly waste even more time and energy by sending e-mails or PMs asking why you are banned and appealing it. Fucking rude assholes. Sysop 3 months (2010-01-14 00:48:?? UTC)
A (rather ugly) fix has finally arrived for those who use Tor (or any other similar proxy network) and who constantly get the "shitlisted" screen on random page loads due to jumps to recently banned nodes. It only works if you are already whitelisted, though. Enter "helpmethor" into The Oracle to enable it. Enter "fuckyouthor" to remove it. Does it work? It should. If not, let me know. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-13 20:09:?? UTC)
All AnTs are encouraged to enable "special mode" in the dashboard and use it for at least a week and then decide whether or not it's better than the old way: Sysop 4 months (2010-01-12 23:58:?? UTC)
STICK. TO. THE. FUCKING. TOPIC. You don't go off-topic. Ever. For any reason. Start a new topic about it. How hard is this to grasp? A topic is not some general "mini forum" about a random keyword that you picked from the topic's headline. Unbelievable retards… Sysop 4 months (2010-01-12 21:38:?? UTC)
So much complete SHIT is being posted here… replies that are completely off-topic, trolly and FULL of every possible error you could imagine. Fuck off with that shit. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-12 21:14:?? UTC)
Don't fucking reply to the off-topic retards, you dumb fucks. It ruins every topic. How many times must I repeat this? YOU WILL GET BANNED AS WELL IF YOU DO! Sysop 4 months (2010-01-12 19:15:?? UTC)
The "What physical aspect do you find as the most attractive in the opposite sex?" poll was deleted by request of its creator. He had forgotten some options. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-12 18:01:?? UTC)
OK. Thanks for helping out in the debug topic. I've now enhanced the way that the "special mode" reports what happened after you publish a reply. It now not only gives you a link to the actual post in context, but also tells you if there are other replies posted in the topic since you last looked, and link you to the first of them (much like the subtle notice shown when previewing). I am really starting to consider making this the default, as it makes much more sense and makes it less likely to miss posts. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-12 00:18:?? UTC)
It really sucks when a wiseguy who hasn't fully grasped the spirit of this place removes a post that could be considered "trolly" but which I would never have removed myself since it's a good one (such as the topic in which a person stated that "everyone is a Christian", explaining why with some crazy logic). It doesn't happen that often, but it does happen… Sysop 4 months (2010-01-11 23:43:?? UTC)
PageRank 3 after nearly two years of hard work? A fucking personal Geocities page about puppies has a higher PR value than that. Google can, once again, go fuck itself. Since all the search engines censor this domain (not entirely, but in practice), you must help spread the word as virtually no traffic comes "for free". Sysop 4 months (2010-01-11 20:14:?? UTC)
If you write "you guys are worst than", you are a fucking retard. Period. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-11 19:42:?? UTC)
When a fucking troll posts, report that post and ignore. If you post you run the risk of getting into trouble. ? 4 months (2010-01-11 01:09:?? UTC)
The search features now work for regulars even when they are temporarily disabled (due to attacks). Sysop 4 months (2010-01-10 19:39:?? UTC)
I'm this close to start banning anyone submitting a poll without punctuation in the end of each option. Wasting my time and ignoring the bold warning about this specific issue — it's on the very same page, dammit! — is extremely rude and stupid but happens all the fucking time… Sysop 4 months (2010-01-10 18:35:?? UTC)
Yet another bunch of zombie wiseguys unmade for disappearing for days after promising to be active at least every day. New ones that aren't lazy, lying fucks wanted. DO NOT FUCKING APPLY TO BECOME A WISEGUY IF YOU ARE JUST GONNA SIT ON YOUR FAT ASS AND DO NOTHING TO HELP OUT! HOW MANY TIMES DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SAID? IT HAPPENS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! Sysop 4 months (2010-01-10 01:02:?? UTC)
It's completely unacceptable that many of the latest polls have received no votes for many hours or even days. Why the fucking hell are you not spreading the God damn fucking word?! Sysop 4 months (2010-01-09 23:35:?? UTC)
AT needs much, much more quality traffic. Especially the polls. And IWAP ( — meant to fund AT so that you wouldn't have to donate) gets absolutely no traffic at all. Thanks for not giving a shit. Again. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-09 23:19:?? UTC)
The search engine for polls has now been upgraded to allow for "quick" and "deep" searches of polls, just as the main one. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-09 22:16:?? UTC)
Stop making grossly misleading headlines, you complete fucking retards. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-07 21:52:?? UTC)
Why is it so common to do "Thanks" in the end of a post without using any punctuation? Just do "Thanks." or "Thanks!"… Sysop 4 months (2010-01-07 20:10:?? UTC)
There was some serious downtime earlier today due to a series of problems resulting from breathing at the server. It's now fixed. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-07 15:05:?? UTC)
How do you manage to quote text from a previous post and then fail to cite that post? The "Quote" and "Cite" buttons are there for your benefit, so use them! It's simple and effortless! In fact, it takes more effort to do it the wrong way! Are you stupid or do you just enjoy inconveniencing yourself and others? ? 4 months (2010-01-06 22:00:?? UTC)
Removed "conservative mode" in order to unbloat the dashboard. It no longer made sense to keep it; initially, the small visible changes introduced were considered "possibly unpleasant" and that's why the mode came into existence at all. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-06 18:19:?? UTC)
When you quote someone, quote the part you want and fucking reply. Do not not just fucking quote and post the quote without any other text… it is not how it fucking works. ? 4 months (2010-01-06 17:11:?? UTC)
Do not fucking post a new sentence without learning the basics of when to use a fucking capital letter.
It is used at the start of a fucking sentence, always at the fucking start.
? 4 months (2010-01-06 05:46:?? UTC)
I wouldn't normally mention such an obscure fix, but since it could possibly confuse some people: topics that are attached to polls can no longer be "revived" (the obscure feature). Sysop 4 months (2010-01-05 23:11:?? UTC)
If we can all safely presume that we're over the age of 10 here, how can you not understand the difference between "too" and "to"? ? 4 months (2010-01-05 17:28:?? UTC)
If you don't even grasp the difference between "then" and "than", or "its" and "it's", don't even come here at all until you do. You're wasting everyone's time posting these shitty posts that just get deleted when found. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-05 09:35:?? UTC)
How many fucking "short URL" and "Linkbucks" spam domains are there? I've put countless of these in the banned phrases but new ones seem to get posted every day… Sysop 4 months (2010-01-04 10:49:?? UTC)
It's "could have" or "could've" — never "could of", even if you pronounce it as "cuddof". Sysop 4 months (2010-01-04 09:26:?? UTC)
"The" is not the same as "There"… morons. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-04 09:22:?? UTC)
Time to start spreading the word now, nearly two years after the launch? Sysop 4 months (2010-01-04 01:14:?? UTC)
Don't use "Tor-to-Web" links for browsing sensitive material, as the proxy can see your IP address and everything you're doing. ? 4 months (2010-01-04 01:06:?? UTC)
.onion (Tor) links now have "[Tor-to-Web]" links after them which make it possible for non-Tor users to access those links through a special proxy. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-03 20:01:?? UTC)
When you type "your" instead of "you're" in the wrong context, you will not get banned just because you "made a mistake", but because you fail to fix your error by proof-reading, making this board appear to be populated by morons, messing up discussions, creating extra moderation work, etc. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-03 12:17:?? UTC)
You do not capitalize the first letter of a word directly after a comma. That requires a period. A period and a comma are two different things. ? 4 months (2010-01-03 07:47:?? UTC)
Sad but common sight: Sysop 4 months (2010-01-02 19:56:?? UTC)
Why is there so much incorrect grammar here?! Why don't you know that a capital letter follows a question mark? Why do you think a capital letter should follow a comma? Excuse me while I go violently shake a baby. ? 4 months (2010-01-02 19:52:?? UTC)
Great "donation drive", BTW, resulting in $0. Cheap fucks. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-02 18:33:?? UTC)
It's "AnonTalk" or simply "AT" — not "anontalk", "Anontalk", "Anon Talk", "at", etc… Sysop 4 months (2010-01-02 18:21:?? UTC)
In no way is deleting one character of a quote to make it "acceptable" actually acceptable. ? 4 months (2010-01-02 14:21:?? UTC)
Done maintaining the server for now. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-02 03:03:?? UTC)
Don't be a fucktard. Really. Do not be a fucktard. This cannot be stressed enough. Whenever you imagine that you're "testing" me or doing something that you were told to do on this site by some other site, you are very likely going to be permanently removed without the possibility of ever appealing it. It may sound harsh, but I really have no patience with "fucktards" at all anymore. Please don't be a fucktard. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-02 01:06:?? UTC)
It is now possible to add up to 100 options in polls instead of ten. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-01 01:50:?? UTC)
If you find the words "year(s) old" so difficult and inconvenient to type that you simply must abbreviate them, you should abbreviate them as "Y.O.", or at the very least "YO". The same applies to all other abbreviations. ? 4 months (2010-01-01 01:30:?? UTC)
Creating topics with worthless headlines such as "Why, God, why?" or "Is this normal?" will get you banned. Make non-shitty headlines. Sysop 4 months (2010-01-01 00:51:?? UTC)
The first sentence of a topic's body often makes for a perfect headline. Remove the sentence from the body if you use it for the headline, though. ? 4 months (2009-12-31 01:00:?? UTC)
A good way to advertise this place is to link to it in a forum signature. Please, just don't spam Retardchan. ? 4 months (2009-12-30 17:04:?? UTC)
"I was shit listed because I put the words dumb and ass together to make a single word." … "I was told this in the message I got, telling me I was shit listed." ← More lies by a troll, or just a very confused person. I have never banned anyone for doing that, or stated that as a reason in any private message. This is 100% certain. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-30 02:47:?? UTC)
It's "PS3" - not "ps3". ? 4 months (2009-12-28 18:21:?? UTC)
Once again, you've proven that you don't give a shit about this place. You can all go fuck yourselves. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-28 13:14:?? UTC)
Do not feed the trolls that are flooding in from Retardchan. Report and move on. ? 4 months (2009-12-26 01:48:?? UTC)
Please learn that a capital letter always follows a period… ? 4 months (2009-12-25 06:43:?? UTC)
I don't know what the fuck is going on. It seems as if the psycho temporarily changes back and forth between different versions of his shitty clone, possibly to trick his host. On another note, I just was forced to ban a whole bunch of idiots who openly admitted to having lied on AT. What the hell? NEVER fucking lie here! This is anonymous; there is not even any need to lie. And if you do it anyway (unless it's the "white lie to improve anonymity" kind), you sure as hell don't admit it Sysop 4 months (2009-12-25 03:43:?? UTC)
I will hereby no longer be working at all on AT until that fucking main clone is gone. That fucking psychopath scum has even copied and pasted the copyright notice. There is NO motivation for me to continue improving a board when somebody else is blatantly stealing and taking credit for my hard work. Either help me out this time or AT will die. Actually do something this time, won't you? Sysop 4 months (2009-12-23 20:12:?? UTC)
"Opinion on ageplay" is a HORRIBLE headline (when it turns out that you're looking for opinions on ageplay). "Requesting opinions on ageplay" or "What's your opinion on ageplay?" are good ones. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-23 19:32:?? UTC)
If the OP of a topic tells you to not reply if you don't fit in certain requirements, replying anyway will get you banned. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-23 09:51:?? UTC)
Since I keep seeing it here: it's "(s)he" or "[s]he" rather than "s/he" — "s/he" suggests "s or he", whereas "(s)he" or "[s]he" means "he or she". Sysop 4 months (2009-12-23 09:32:?? UTC)
Some posters simply just keep getting everything wrong without necessarily trying to be malicious… I don't know what to do with those except banning them. Trying to teach them how to not be complete idiots seems to be impossible. They ignore all warnings and just continue posting junk, even after promising to stop. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-23 09:29:?? UTC)
Q: Why not just force posts to have correct punctuation/capitalization through computer code? A: Because of fancy product names such as "iPod" or ".Hack", because of all sorts of smileys that can end sentences/texts and because of poetry, computer code, word plays and all kinds of other obscure, non-obvious things that always have to be considered. Only a few rules can be relatively "safely" established, and only because English is the only language used here. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-23 09:18:?? UTC)
Use the toolbox if you want to post YouTube videos, it makes your life a whole lot easier. ? 4 months (2009-12-22 11:42:?? UTC)
Don't respond to trolls, you responding is like food to them. ? 4 months (2009-12-22 11:31:?? UTC)
Trying out some new caching related to the main menu "new item(s)" notifications. Let me know (in private) if you find it buggy. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-22 09:17:?? UTC)
Just spent ages removing all the posts (and banning the authors) with " don;t " in them, having to make sure that they weren't legitimate (extremely unlikely). I have been forced to add a banned phrase for " don;t " now to prevent most such cases in the future. Don't you realize how RUDE it is to post shit like that here? You fuck up all the old topics which become nonsensical as key replies are removed later due to stupid typos. Stop fucking this board up by being lazy retards. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-22 08:22:?? UTC)
The "new bulletin" section now has a "preview and spell check" button as well. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-22 01:46:?? UTC)
When your topic is deleted for a reason, at least try to post it with corrections! ? 4 months (2009-12-22 01:17:?? UTC)
I'm getting VERY sick of finding topics with headlines that are questions but lack the question mark… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-22 00:45:?? UTC)
A "thread" never becomes "free for off-topicness". Start a new topic instead of replying with shit that isn't relevant. And NEVER reply to shitty posts. You are creating so much fucking work by doing this and you ruin the entire topic by making it very unlikely for any further on-topic replies to be posted. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-22 00:07:?? UTC)
It's "PC" — not "pc" or "Pc"… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-21 23:12:?? UTC)
It's Photoshop, not "photoshop." ? 4 months (2009-12-21 23:00:?? UTC)
When you get a bulletin declined, it's quite often due to bad grammar/punctuation. You rarely re-post it or ask about it for some reason… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-21 22:56:?? UTC)
Please warn us before posting a CP picture. ? 4 months (2009-12-21 11:47:?? UTC)
10x high-quality traffic is needed at least. Having this little traffic (lurkers are welcome) on the best site on the Web is beyond laughable — it's surreal. Why are you still not spreading the word? Why the fuck do worthless sites such as get massive traffic but not properly made and run ones? The answer is that you don't help out, for whatever reason. Don't make another topic about it; I've heard it all before and I'm not going to change any of the things that make AT the best. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-21 06:48:?? UTC)
Anyone with 100 or more posts can now choose to search only your own posts. (Same thing goes for polls.) Sysop 4 months (2009-12-20 22:49:?? UTC)
For those of you who are not tech-savvy: please don't believe all these idiots who regularly (I'd say nearly every day) come here just to post topics and off-topic replies about how AT "isn't safe", "not anonymous", etc. It's bullshit. They are just retarded FUD-spreading chan trolls who are trying to make you scared of posting (yes, even the ones who type properly). However, you should definitely read this still to make sure that you are safe on your end: Sysop 4 months (2009-12-20 21:03:?? UTC)
Eight polls submitted in a series without any errors. Must be some sort of record… Sysop 4 months (2009-12-20 20:54:?? UTC)
Don't EVER make "test" posts, or any kind of "test input" (other than using the preview feature). You will be banned. Sysop 4 months (2009-12-20 20:52:?? UTC)
Deleting the punctuation at the end of a quote is not deleting "some" of a quote! ? 4 months (2009-12-20 19:51:?? UTC)